Saturday 13 December 2014

Am I suffering from depression?

I think this film really sums up living with depression, I love it and it makes me very sad too. Those of us who live with our black dog, know them - love and loathe them. Sometimes feel like they are our only friend and mostly feel that they're an unwelcome guest.
My dog doesn't come to visit very often anymore. The more you accept him the more he doesn't feel he has to hang around you.

I really hope anyone who has ever felt any of these feelings, seeks help, speaks out. It can get better. I have been in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy since September 2012 and have also been taking anti-depressants since then. I have nearly finished with the drugs and am slowly lowering my dose and should be done by January (WOOHOO Well done me!)
But please don't suffer or be afraid to take anti-depressants. My advice - make sure you trust your doctor 100% - ask about his/her long term strategy, how long will you take them for? What are they for? How will they affect you?
The side effect for me has been low blood pressure, and fatigue, but I really strongly believe that I wouldn't have made such progress is such a relatively short period time if I hadn't had the combination of drugs and therapy.

Whatever you're feeling is a real feeling, and you deserve help. Therapy doesn't have to be about dragging up the past, which is what I feared. CBT is very proactive, it's about the behavior you have now and trying to analyse why and where that behavior is coming from. When you can understand why you do things you can learn to move past them.

My doctor described anti-depressants as building a bridge across the descent into depression. It isn't the full solution, but can help you from going so low you can't find the strength to climb your way back up.
I love my doctor :-) He's a very wise man!

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